

Keith, Jeane, and I shared a Thanksgiving feast-extraordinaire. Complete with french toast, tortillas, fried bananas, mashed bananas, and syrup and jelly on everything. A very pukeable meal, I'm sure you'll agree. Immense sweetness-- I was full, fast.

While we ate, we all shared what we're thankful for. Here are some of the things I'm thankful for: The most loving family that I know of in existence. We've had rough patches, but the sweet relationships I share with my Dad, Mom, and Emily promise a truly beautiful future that I am eager to discover. A God who gives me the energy to live meaningfully, and who seems to have a grand design for my life. I'm thankful that Keith is here with me in Kalemie-- that I can have a friend who's a great listener and gives sound advice. I'm thankful for all my friends and family who are constantly supporting me and my Congo adventure.

Before I went to bed, my whole family called from their Thanksgiving get-together and we got to talk for a while. That was wonderful-- thank you, guys! I love you!

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