
The Sand At Tanganyika

I waded out into the sideways current, watching my feet move slowly over the sand below. Pebbles and a few bigger rocks populated the small valley that I descended, and they were rough and pricked into my feet. Small, choppy waves moved up past my waist. I came quickly up onto a high landing, a sandbar, and stood still for a moment. Then I sat down and found a spot to stare at out on the horizon, a fishing canoe. The lake lapped up close to my shoulders and every new patch of skin it chilled tilted the line of the lake against the sky just a bit. My legs tucked up underneath me a little out to the side and I relaxed, drifting out to sea.

When I'm driving in a car, watching all the people go by and catching their stares for a second, I forget that I barely speak their language. The little bit of French I know comes more naturally to me now, and sometimes I can react in French rather than translate a reaction into French.

I've thought a lot about things I want to do, while I've been in Congo. Writing, fishing, coal-mining, playing music, wood-working, and traveling all seem interesting to me. None of these I'd want to do forever, and some for less time than others (coal-mining). Kalemie is really nice and simple. As long as work isn't a drag, I think I will really like it here.

Taking pictures in the Congo seems to be generally difficult. I've been dissuaded from showing my camera in public more than once. Apparently, people have been arrested for taking pictures of the sunset, and stuff. So, I don't know. This blog needs some more pictures though, huh? Getting pictures when I'm out at our field sites should be simpler, I think.

I was talking with Jean this morning about myself. He asked. I told him what I aspired to do with my life in the future, which was rather ambiguous, and we talked about some options for my work, here. The two things we discussed were data-entry and communications stuff (writing newsletters, updating our country blog, etc.). Guess which one I'm going to prefer.

(Written 10/19/08)

*Monday, 10AM. I'm going to a seed fair tomorrow and will bring my camera along.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You seem more like Nathan in this post. Like you've settled some since you've arrived in your final new home.
I dont know if you're putting a lot of time into these blogs, but however you're doing it, it's definitely paying off!
Im a huge fan, seriously, an avid reader. Your writing blows the cap off my pen! (if you know what I mean) Gently laiden with metaphors, vivid imagery sprinkled carefully and thoughtfully across paragraphs, and a sincerity that tickles my baby toes.

Love you, "Oh my baby blue,"