
So-long's Eve

The watch on my wrist tells me that its a quarter to 8. Most of you read the last sentence arbitrarily, using it only to propel you towards the meat of this post. Let me tell you... the watch is a hearty subject, for both of my wrists have been naked for 5 years.

No longer! I don the chronotrinket thrust high in the air-- Excalibur pulled from youth's stone, granting the unsuspecting wielder sudden manhood... and rite to world-conquest. A Timex.

On a gloomier note, I said good bye to my close friend, Liam, tonight. Tomorrow afternoon will take me from home, from family. These last couple days have been choc-full of goodbyes and now, suspense. "All my bags are packed. I'm ready to go..."


Anonymous said...

Good luck, Nathan. It's going to be great.

Anonymous said...

I Love you bro