
From The Bukavu Office

I arrived here in Bukavu yesterday afternoon after taking a small prop plane to the Rwandan border and meeting up with an FHI worker there. Keith, a 24-year-old guy going to work in Kalemie, met me at the Kigali airport in Rwanda. Yesterday, we were introduced to the town and FHI staff and to our current residence. The deluge of new sights, languages, customs, etc. has been overwhelming. I was extremely tired after my virtually sleepless two-day journey (I did catch a two-hour snooze in Amsterdam) and had to fight delirium until 7:00 last night, when I crashed into a deep sleep. Keith and I left this morning for orientations at the office, and that is what we're waiting for, now...

I will have much to describe and many observations to divulge to you, but for now I am at a loss for words. I have to go, now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.

I love you so much that I didn't even use copy & paste :). Can't wait to hear more bro! I'm missing your cool and kissable cheeks ;)!